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Doubling Down on Impact: How F4D’s Results Architecture Aligns with the World Bank Group Scorecard

The World Bank Group is doubling down on impact transforming the way teams design and implement programs, generate and share knowledge, and measure results.

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The new World Bank Group Scorecard, endorsed in April 2024, serves as a strategic management tool to drive action for results. Produced as a key mechanism to achieve stronger development outcomes, the Scorecard provides a yardstick to measure how the World Bank Group delivers on its mission to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. The Scorecard is organized around 15 outcome areas that cover all dimensions of the World Bank Group's mission and vision, including financial sector work.

F4D has been actively involved in recent corporate-level results measurement discussions. The F4D results framework is now fully aligned with the Scorecard and key corporate priorities.

The F4D program, through its support for policy reforms, capacity building and knowledge work, directly contributes to two cross-cutting outcome areas of the new Scorecard. To capture the linkage between relevant F4D grants to these outcome areas, F4D’s results indicators have been updated to align with those included in the new Scorecard.

Closing Gender Finance Gaps

The World Bank Group places strong focus on financial inclusion, especially on increasing the use of financial services by women as one of the important pathways towards women’s economic empowerment. To highlight the importance of closing the gender gaps in finance, the use of financial services indicator is included under the Gender Equality outcome area of the Scorecard. This outcome area is closely related to the recently announced targets of the World Bank Group Gender Strategy. The target to “provide 80 million more women and women-led businesses with capital by 2030” will use the Scorecard indicator to track its progress.

A notable change in the Scorecard indicator is a shift from measuring access to financial services to active usage of them. Ensuring that everyone not only has access to transaction accounts and other financial services but can also use them when needed is critical to improve the overall quality of people’s lives.

F4D’s Tier 1 indicators now align with the following Scorecard indicator: “People and businesses using financial services, of which (%) are women”

F4D finances a combination of policy reforms, institutional development, capacity building, and knowledge products, customized to meet the unique needs of client countries to boost financial inclusion. Gender lens is integrated across F4D’s grant portfolio. This includes gender-sensitive diagnostics and analysis in the design of activities, ensuring evidence-based targeting of women during implementation, and/or using indicators to measure progress of activities that target women. Read a story about our work in Mexico which is advancing women’s financial inclusion through gender-sensitive financial services.

More Private Investment

Another outcome area is More Private Investment. Demand for the World Bank Group’s support in developing domestic capital markets and their foundational elements has been rising across Emerging Markets and Developing Economies.

F4D’s Tier 1 indicators now align with the following Scorecard indicator: “Total private capital mobilized”

F4D supports private capital enabling reforms with a focus on various aspects of capital markets (such as bond markets, sukuk, private equity, venture capital, and equity), derivatives, structured finance, securities market infrastructure, institutional investors (including pensions, insurance, and investment funds), and fostering competition within the financial system.

F4D’s Tier 1 indicators measure long-term outcomes and impacts contributed by F4D. These results are expected to be achieved years after the completion of projects financed by F4D or through lending operations that F4D informs. The Scorecard recognizes the limitations of the indicators in measuring the results of policy reforms, institutional development, knowledge products and capacity building, which are the core activities of the F4D program. As such, F4D adopts a similar approach to results reporting as the new Scorecard by using a mix of quantitative and qualitive methods to articulate the program’s contributions to development outcomes. This approach, reflecting the multifaceted nature of its interventions and the indirect pathways to outcomes, ensures a comprehensive view of F4D’s results.

See F4D’s Results Framework here. Most recent data will be released in the upcoming F4D FY24 Annual Report due December 2024. For F4D results stories, visit here.